01 May, 2023

...May : The List...

I wish...I want

I will...I won't

I might...I MAY!

What's on your bucket list for this month ahead?  I find, after an April that went sideways more often than not, that I'm both tightening the straps and loosening the reigns as we head into May.

It's far too easy to get caught up in the rigidity of routine and leaving the checking in for the checklists...  Which, as I found last month, left little room for surprises, and none at all for self-reflection.  So as the calendar page turns, I'm trying to outline the month ahead in a solid but sparse frame, and leave lots of space for pivoting...growing...and rewrites!

With a focus on Re-Assessing and Re-Addressing:

Empty out all the storage and make the hard decisions on what to keep vs. what to donate

Schedule and plan out the summer workshops

Plan an overnight trip with the boys

Set up theme weeks for Henri’s lessons and therapy

dinner with Johannes

lunch with Henri

Sunday drives and dines

sea, sun and sand

signs and socializing

ath-leisure, park-play and car picnics

create our family ‘guide book’ of favorite places 

go wild…at the zoo

hit the trails

ride the rails

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