Two down...forever to go!


Hello, world!

Guess who?

It's me... the two month old!

Whew...time really does fly when you're having fun!

I know...I's been a minute since I last checked in. My secretary has really been "sleeping on the job" which is funny, since I make a point of not letting her sleep.The way I see it...any nap longer than 15 minutes is a waste... who knows what you might miss out on! I expect she'll adjust to my exacting standards in good time...probably just in time for me to leave the nest!

Big Bro and I have been collaborating on "Project:Mami Smiles" a lot lately. Basically, the gist is (shhhh...don't let her see this!) that we both distract her from the dirty diapers and dirty dishes and any other ooops moments, by being as cute and loveable as possible. Big Bro handles the "doublespeak" aspect... distracting her with his brilliance, and I'm in charge of  "oohs and ahs". Yeah, sounds easy enough...a few well placed coos and smiles... some chortles and huggy hands thrown in to keep things interesting...but this is hard work! I had to learn how to mimic her 'hello' sound! So far, it's been coming along quite well...though neither of us has managed to get her to smile between 2a.m.and 3a.m. yet. Fear not, I'm on the job and I'm persistent!

Now, ever since my debut, everyone wants to know all kinds of personal things (like height and weight) about I'm checking in with my doc tomorrow to get my 'fighting stats'.  Pretty apropos, since I've taken on the nickname of Mr. Punchy when nursing. What can I say? It's important to tenderize my meal!

In other news, I'm determined to 'have a seat at the table', literally and figuratively. After all, I'm the boss! So, I've been working those abs. Mami calls it a 'buddha belly' but I prefer to think of it as a 'stabilizing cushion of support'. It's hard to bend in half and fall over, when your waistline is as wide as mine!

Oh, before I forget...check out my  threads!

Yup... that's photoshoot was the perfect time to sport my Big Bro's hand-me-downs! See...I'm catching up to him already...just about 5 more feet to go!

Catch ya later...

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