12 August, 2019

...r&r, and right back again...

Ah, that first sip of coffee this morning!

We just returned from a weekend "away"...something of a cross between a daytrip and a staycation, minus our usual go-go-go adventure seeking.
There were no grueling hikes.
No searching abandoned sites.
No gps coordinates.
No plans.
And it was perfect.
Junk food and time wasting and...

I think this is the first time I've ever actually "planned" to do nothing.  And you know what?  It's a solid plan.  One worth repeating as oft as needed.
No muss. No fuss.  No stress.

We did it right.
Left behind our cares and concerns (knowing full well they'd be right there waiting when we got back) and let go of the self-imposed pressure to worry things down to bits.  We checked in at the front desk, and checked out of our lives for a bit.  And it was new...and different...and wildly unfamiliar...and completely wonderful!

There was but one goal on the agenda.

And we did.
Our walk down into the town was slow and meandering.  No breathless race to beat our own time, or rushing past the views.  We stopped whenever something caught our eyes.  We passed away (more than a few) hours in front of HGTV.  Feet up.  Junk food in arm's reach. 
(I put him in charge of food-perhaps not the wisest decision health wise-but hey...YOLO and all that.  We dined on Cool Ranch Doritos and fruit snacks and root beer.)
We debated floor treatments and backsplashes and laughed outrageously at the midwestern real-estate prices as compared to those here on the coast.  We dreamt up imaginary floor plans.
In what can only be considered fate, the only decent thing to watch the first night was "Transformers".  He was in heaven!  And I was...dare I say...chill?!?

We even lucked out with an otherwise empty pool.  (So thankful for that!  He still struggles to let loose when others are around...so solitude = freedom to be himself and have fun!) 
Splish, splash...and then a mad dash up to hot showers!

By not doing anything, we had a great time.
And I finally, for the first time, understood that there really is value in just dropping everything.
Mind. Blown! 

Of course we're back now...and the weekend is already naught but memory.
We returned to the same mess and the same stress.
And that's ok.  That's fine.
A few days off was respite enough for now.

He can dive right back into that summer project for his upcoming history class.
(And he did...first thing this morning!)
I can juggle all the balls of life and family and work.
(And cat!  1 weekend away = 1 very unpleasant litter box!  Ew!)

A weekend away from everything that's been weighing us down lately allowed us both to pick back up with a little bit of fresh energy and fresh perspective.  It's as though walking out for a few days created a new opening to walk back through.  Time away skewed things differently, so that when we walked back in the front door, each item on the to-do list was actually prioritized instead of one giant aggressive jumble of  "too big-too scary".
And maybe...just maybe...the weekend away gave us a healthier attitude regarding all the things that we allow to take up our time and energy.
(Plus, obviously, a newly re-awakened junk food addiction!)

It's good to be home, though.
(I know he needs that routine and regularity...that order and predictability.)
It's good to be home.  To set our sights back on our goals and responsibilities.  Even those stresses and stressors beyond our active control feel comfortable once again.

Besides...my trusty French-press brew tastes soooo much better than hotel coffee!