Halfway there...

Hello world!

Now, I know my top-tier fans can't imagine a time when I wasn't in the public eye, but here's a shocker: 

It's been 6 months!!! 

Woah...I'm halfway there...woah...6 months old, I declare! 

Can you believe it? I mean, it's been a long time coming...  But here I am...settling into the 6 month groove, and I do believe all my hard work has begun to pay off!  I've been running a tight ship here lately,  and my staff have really risen to the challenge...and my early rising! 

Having consulted with my physician, I've decided to try something new... and my resident chef assures me she's up to the challenge!  That's right, folks...I'm going full-foodie and adding purees to my palate!  

Big Bro assures me that Mami knows a thing or two about food prep, but I have my concerns.  After all, my favorite meal comes ready-made and is always available!  Now there's cooking involved??? 

Speaking of Big Bro, he's been hard to pin down lately... even though I can see him sitting at the kitchen table.  He's always busy staring at the screen in front of him and tapping at it, muttering things about remote learning. I think he needs a dose of ME and a lot less homework! 

Mami and Papa have their shifts down these days. Clearly Mami cheated a bit to score all this extra time with me. She's got most of the day and all the nights! Poor Papa has to edge his way in whenever he can! 

Oh...oh...edging!  That reminds me of my new favorite thing... cruising around the edges of my crib on all twos!  My doc was shocked by my in-office performance!  He says I'm ahead of the curve by a wide margin. Rather rude, don't you think?  I'm perfectly proportioned,  I think...not wide! 

On that note, I'm off to admire myself in the mirror! 

Till we meet again...


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