Christmas Greeting 2019

 ‘Twas the evening of Christmas,
when from far and near,
this text did arrive, 
full of holiday cheer.

The hustle and bustle,

and travels all done,

feet up, mugs in hand,

relaxation begun.

Each family, each friend, 

each loved one so dear,

was thought of and missed,

whether far or quite near.

Then Christmas cards opened,

each one read aloud,

each photo-card hung,

‘til there was a crowd…

…of smiling faces,

familiar and new!

All those wishes and greetings,

from each one of you!

We sat round, recounting,

with stories of old,

our holiday memories,

‘til the cocoa went cold.

Then settling in,

by the glow of the tree,

we opened our gifts,

and our stockings with glee.

And we thought to ourselves,

in our quiet delight,

“Merry Christmas to all, 

and to all a good night!”

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