13 March, 2011

...oh what a beautiful morning-to stare at a mess...

You know that line from Finding Nemo...
"Morning. It's morning, everyone! Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are gonna get out of...GASP!!!!
...yup, that one?

Here's my  version from this morning:
"Morning.  It's morning, everyone!  Today's the day!  The sun is shining, the windows are clean...
and crap, clean windows plus bright spring sunlight...gee whiz, would you like at the mess in here?!?

Let me tell you readers, nothing but nothing brings attention to a house in need of major spring cleaning like those first morning rays of springtime promises.  I can see every speck of dirt, every crumb the vacuum ignored and of course veritable mountains and valleys of legos all over the livingroom floor!  Consider whatever part of my insomnia-addled brain that was actually cheerful this morning promptly returned to sleep-mode now that I see what really lies before me. 

Spring may mean regrowth and fresh blossoms out in the natural world, but here in Casa Caffeinated it's looking more and more like box up and toss out time. 

With another move in the works for this summer it's definitely not absurd to be thinking of condensing once again.  But good gosh, it would have been nice to go an hour or two this morning without the visual reminder and dismal realization!

Time to start marking the boxes I suppose...keep, toss, flea market, pass-it-on's, craft supplies, etc...
I suppose that means another trip to Target for a few more crates.  I'm fairly certain that by the time we set up some permanent residence of sorts, Mister Man and I will have more plastic totes than we know what to do with...

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